Silent Times for Michael Learns To Rock

What went before…

Conversations did an exclusive phone interview with Michael Learns To Rock (MLTR). That was in 2008. At that time, the three members — Kare Wanscher, drummer; Jascha Richter, keyboard player; and Mikkel Lentz, guitarist — were already fathers. Their children are grown up now: Kare has four sons and one daughter, Jascha has three daughters, and Mikkel has two sons and a daughter.

This much we got from that interview:

  • MLTR began taking off in 1987 at a high school in Aarhus, Denmark, where Jascha formed a little café band with Kare and Mikkel. They then created a more serious band after Jascha played a few songs he had written and embarked on a tour first around Denmark and then in other countries.
  • MLTR music has been described as “a Scandinavian glow that meets the international pop song, something which has been refined through the years by artists like the Bee Gees, The Beatles, Elton John and Billy Joel,” who happened to be the MLTR members’ musical influences, especially Michael Jackson.
  • Asked who Michael was, the members laughed. “Well, it’s a good question because we really don’t have an answer to that. We have no member called Michael, so you have to guess who Michael is.” So why did they call their group Michael Learns To Rock? “We don’t know who he is, hahahaha! But we remember that we were inspired by Michael Jackson, and maybe…”
  • MLTR has a squeaky-clean image…no scandals, no drugs, no divorces. “…you know, we are all very happy persons living in a very lovely country where we don’t really have big problems. We don’t have crimes or poverty; and stuff like that. So we don’t have any need to sing it out. For us, what’s the most important thing is to be happy and to express that through our music.”

MLTR will have a concert at the Smart Araneta Coliseum on Sept. 19, produced by Midas Promotions. (For tickets, call 911-5555.)

Conversations did another exclusive (e-mail) interview with MLTR last week.

Why did you call your new single Silent Times? Does that title reflect your present life and state of mind?

“The song is about silent times — when you desperately wait to hear from someone, and all you hear is silence. Guess we all know the feeling. That’s the reason behind the title of the song.”

Silent Times is included in your 25th-anniversary album simply called 25. What are the other selections on the album and what were your criteria in choosing those songs?

“All songs on 25 are songs that have meant a lot to us and have a special meaning to us over the years. We have picked songs from all our albums and put them in chronology on the album. To us, this shows our musical history and hopefully people will relive a lot of special moments and stories while listening to the album.”

Which three of your songs are closest to your heart(s) and why?

“It’s never easy to pick certain songs, since they all have different emotions connected to them. But a few stands out as milestones to us: The Actor — our first-ever hit in Asia and the song that opened the hearts of the Asian people. Someday — a wonderful, energetic statement from the period where we took over the production of our music and felt the freedom of being independent from others in our music creation. Take Me To Your Heart — the song that really had an impact in China (and many other places) more than 10 years after our first hit song, bringing us to China a lot and giving new life to our band.”

You’ve been together for so many years during which different bands have cropped up as well as varied musical genres. How does your group keep up with the fast-checking trends of the times?

“We never try to keep up with the trends. To us, it is not important. What means something to us is being true to what we stand for and what we love and that is exactly the reason why we have been able to stay relevant for so many years.”

How do you think does your group differ from other bands?

“I guess we don’t. We started as any other high school band playing small gigs in our hometown. However, of course, our success in Asia and the fact that we still appeal to our audience is very special.”

Other bands have, well, disbanded and the members have gone their separate ways. How are you able to sustain yourselves as a group in the face of competition and other challenges in a field very crowded with talents?

“We all love music and that’s really the reason we ever started in this business. We still love music and that’s why we stick to what we do. But the real reason that we are still here is that we feel an enormous support from our fans around the world supplying us with the energy to keep making music and go on tour.”

You have always been role models having come from a country (Denmark) which, according to you in an interview with this writer in 2008, “has no crime nor poverty.” Have you maintained that “clean” image?

“We never felt the need to be all that controversial. All the scandals are still to come…”

All three of you are fathers. What are the lessons/values you’ve learned from your own lives that you have handed down to your children? How are you as dads?

“I guess we are like all other parents. Trying to raise our children to be good persons both to others and to themselves.”

You are busy with professions not related to music. How are you doing in your respective fields away from showbiz?



“We all have other projects when MLTR’s schedule allows it. Currently we are very busy with MLTR so not much time for other things. But it can be nice when MLTR is not so busy to have other things to do to get away from the band for a while.”

The prevailing message of your music is about peace and happiness. Why so? Do you still convey the same message in your music today?

“To us, love and peace are the most important issues in the world. And at the same time things that all people can feel with their body and mind. That makes such topics perfect for songs since people relate to the lyrics and draw up their own pictures and emotions when listening to the songs. We will never stop singing about love and peace.”

How would you sum up your 25 years as musicians?

“Unbelievable. Meaningful. Fortunate.”

You were in the Philippines for shows twice (2001 and 2008), and you’re having a concert at the Smart Araneta Coliseum on Sept. 19. What comes to your mind about those visits?

“Our Philippine fans are the absolute best singers in the whole world — so we remember their voices. The Filipinos are a very musical people. We love it when the audience sings along with us. I remember that we had our show at the big venue where Thrilla In Manila (Muhammad Ali vs. Joe Frazier in 1975) was held. We remember that trip very well. It was short but we enjoyed it a lot. We always love going to the Philippines. We have performed in Cebu, Cagayan de Oro and other cities in the country.”

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