With perfect eyesight

With a new CD on the market, that in the USA zoomed to the top of the charts, Justin Timberlake is out to reclaim a crown he feels he never let go of. The rest of the world should take notice.

Justin Timberlake — The 20/20 Experience (RCA/Sony). After seven years during which he dabbled in Hollywood and films, JT is back with a Timbaland-produced third solo album that reaffirms how — when it comes to R&B and blue-eyed soul — there is still JT above all. With a much more layered sound, he builds and improves on the vibe he created with the last solo CD, FutureSex/LoveSounds. The song lengths are on the long side, but thanks to the production touches, we welcome how these tunes extend and provide something new. Mirrors may be the most vintage-Timberlake sounding track, and the last two minutes are a sonic pleasure. Both Suit & Tie (which has Jay-Z) and Pusher Love Girl have classic R&B touches, while Blue Ocean Floor is a trippy departure which really works! It’s a great album to remind the world who JT is. A really wonderful balancing act that should please his old fans, and let the younger ones discover why JT was such a “hot product” all those years ago, and should remain a potent force today. This is JT with 20/20 vision for the future; and not just talking about hindsight and past glories.

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