Tintin's 10 smart baby care tips

Smart Steps endorser Tintin Bersola-Babao

MANILA, Philippines - There is no substitute for some smart steps that come naturally when mom’s instinct dictates. The smartest thing that a mom has ever done and the smartest step a mom can ever do is finding out only the best and smart ways for her baby. Smart mom Tintin Bersola-Babao shares some smart baby care tips to every mother and would-be-mom:

Know your baby because every baby is unique. It helps to read books and ask advise on how to raise babies. But know the specific needs of your child.

Breastfeed. Exclusively for at least six months. No water. No vitamins. Just breastmilk. My son Nio is turning two on Jan. 31 and I’m still breastfeeding him. 

Give your baby an infant massage. It will help your baby relax, sleep well, have a good disposition. Good bonding time, too. 

Do not feed your baby junk food even if at six months you’ll be giving him solid foods already. Do not feed your baby processed meats, powdered juices — go for the real fruit, freshly sliced or freshly squeezed. The time when you introduce solid foods to your baby is the time to introduce veggies to his taste bud — the time to train his taste buds to like the taste of veggies. Avoid giving foods high in sugar, as he might end up only liking sweet tasting foods. 

Never leave your baby alone — even for just a few minutes. Anything can happen. Do not leave your baby unattended. 

When my baby plays, I make sure I choose his toys well, unfortunately there are many poor quality plastic toys which break easily, have sharp edges that pose danger to my baby. So I go for good quality toys — preferably made of cloth, or wood, or sturdy plastic. More expensive, yes, but as a mom I wouldn’t scrimp for the safety of my baby. I think of it as an investment. When buying toys for your baby — examine the toy and choose it well.

7) Always have a cloth towel and mini towelettes handy during play time. I always check if my baby is sweating. Hindi ko pinababayaan na matuyuan ng pawis. Lagi ring may suot na bib — para di nababasa ng laway ang kanyang dibdib. I always make him drink water to avoid dehydration.

8) Talk to your baby. Do not baby talk. Read to him all the time. Engage in learning activities. Do not make the TV your baby’s yaya. 

9) Do not forget your hubby and your other kids. All of them have an important role to play in raising your baby — whether it’s as simple as diaper changing or making your baby laugh. 

10) Babies have sensitive skin and are prone to rashes. They can get allergies from food, chemicals or the environment. As a Smart Mom, I choose a mild detergent and fabric softener to wash my baby’s clothes — mild because it is plant-based, and especially formulated for babies — but still has the effective cleaning properties I’m looking for and not the artificial optical brighteners. Harmful and strong chemicals found in commercial laundry detergents will affect your baby’s skin — and when inhaled may pose danger to your baby’s health. 

I read the label of the things I buy for my baby and discovered Smart Steps mild laundry detergent accompanied by its fabric softener and I must say I made the smart budget-friendly choice.

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