Cool Center on GMA tonight

MANILA, Philippines - GMA 7 adds an exciting, new spin to late prime viewing as it turns your TV screens into a place to make new friends, seek love advice, voice opinions, and even barter possessions — all within a phone call away. — through Cool Center “Hello, It’s Me!.”

Anchored by the comedic duo of Anjo Yllana and Eugene Domingo as your radio jocks on TV, Cool Center makes an hour-long TV program out of the radio talk show format that remains to be the “in thing” these days.

Aired live and unscripted, Anjo and Eugene will take in callers from all over the country to participate in its wide-ranging and colorful segments that are sure to keep the audience awake and entertained.

Celebrities, resource speakers and previous callers will also make live appearances and will have the chance to throw in their two cent’s worth in different portions that may stir their imaginations, challenge their intellect, or even dare them to let down their guard.

From the lovelorn seeking counseling, the unattached searching for a potential match, to the penny-pincher who is willing to swap his guitar in exchange for a cellphone, Cool Center gives TV viewers a whole new reason to stay home and dial their phones every Saturday night. The number to call is 981-1936 to 38.

Cool Center “Hello, It’s Me!” premieres tonight.

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