TF wins Milo Olympics writing contest

CEBU, Philippines - The FREEMAN sportswriter Catherine Grace “Caecent” No-ot Magsumbol bagged the grand prize in the sports writing contest of the 17th Milo Little Olympics-Visayas, one of the biggest and most prestigious developmental tournaments in the country.

Magsumbol’s winning piece, “UV gymnast cartwheels to success,” tells the story of decorated Cebuana gymnast Eunice Odag who rose from the pain of tragedy to shine in the Milo Little Olympics.

After losing her father Lito Odag, one of the two security guards killed in a shootout in a robbery in uptown area in September last year, Eunice mustered enough strength to continue her journey as a promising gymnast.

Seeing action for the first time under the secondary division, the 12-year-old Eunice swiftly made an impression by carting away four gold medals in Milo Little Olympics held two weeks ago at the Cebu City Sports Center.

“Hers (Odag) is a very inspiring story that one should never lose hope in the face of great adversity in life,” said Magsumbol, a veteran sportswriter.

The FREEMAN nearly scored a sweep as sports editor Manny Villaruel copped the third place.

Villaruel’s story chronicles the stirring exploits of Sacred Heart School-Ateneo de Cebu athletes during the two-weekend tilt bankrolled by Nestle Philippines.

For an elite school that puts premium on quality education and academic excellence, performing extremely well in such a major athletic competition is a monumental feat that transformed SHS-Ateneo into a rising athletics power.

With 13 golds, four silvers and seven bronzes, the SHS-Ateneo skyrocketed to third place overall in the elementary division and eighth in the secondary level at the end of the multi-event gathering.

In the photo contest, The FREEMAN’s Aldo Nelbert Banaynal placed third.

Aside from trophies, Magsumbol, Villaruel and Banaynal received a total of P27,000 in cash prize during the awards ceremony graced by Milo Little Olympics-Visayas lead organizer Ricky Ballesteros at the Cebu City Sports Center yesterday afternoon.  (FREEMAN)

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