Central Visayas shines in Oplan Red Plate campaign

CEBU, Philippines - Central Visayas strongly gained grounds in the Oplan Red Plate campaign since it was launched late last year, outscoring the Western Visayas Region that used to have the most number of apprehensions.

Deputy Ombudsman for the Visayas Pelagio Apostol said that based on their records, a total of 65 cases for fact-finding investigation have been docketed in Region-7 since the campaign was launched in October last year.

The number has significantly increased from 37 prior to the launching of the Oplan Red Plate, Apostol said.

Region 6 used to take the lead in the campaign against the improper use of government vehicles prior to its formal launching with a total of 206 apprehensions.

However, the number has gone down to 27 after the launching of the Oplan Red Plate. Apostol said that the public awareness that the program has created has helped bolster the campaign.

He said that the campaign has so far netted 92 cases for the entire Visayas since October last year. He said four of the cases have already been disposed while 88 remained pending.

One of the disposed cases was that of former immigration regional director Reynaldo Almaden. The anti-graft office upgraded its fact-finding against Almaden into formal administrative adjudication for misconduct.

Almaden was caught earlier by the members of the task force using government vehicle on a weekend. Apostol said that prior to the launching of Oplan Red Plate, they already docketed 245 cases, 176 of which have already been disposed.

He said 65 cases are still pending because they have required the officials and employees concerned to explain. — Fred P. Languido/LPM(THE FREEMAN)

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