Yves Camingue's Scuave at Formo and Bailey's Thread Style Series

On the last Wednesday of September, Formo Lounge and Bailey's featured an-other Cebu young fashion designer in their third installment of the Thread Style Series. This alone calls for another celebration of Cebu fashion as young models' April Smith, Abigail Aquino, Krizia Nuñez, Cielo Ramirez, Aoi Gergabuena, Kaye Obal, Marie Di-nolan, Chai Martinez, Jose Ruiz, Jason Holbrooke and Memphis Cobarde morphed into the Cosmopolitan cleverness of Cebu fashion designer Yves Martini Camingue's SCUAVE.

Brilliantly played, Scuave is the offspring of sleek Scuba fashion and suave, driven by electro music, and shaped by a new decade. Yves Camingue said he took cues oh his Pre Holiday collection from the music of Kraftwerk, and New Romantic music forerunners Steve Strange and Boy George. A highly competitive fashion industry will certainly pay attention to a professionally crafted runway formatted after a fashion de-signer's catwalk which April Smith, the youngest model ever to walk at this year's Phil-ippine Fashion Week, opened.

Yves Camingue certainly doesn't concern himself with hanger appeal because his pieces are supposed to be worn and celebrated. There were flashes of neon everywhere which reminds us that we are long overdue for an eyecheck. This means that Yves Cam-ingue's future is so bright we need shades.

Jessie Glova and Justine Gloria & Jamaica Mondigo of Jessie Glova Make-Up & Style Studio did the models' hair and makeup while Eden Villarba and Philip Lapinid helped with the styling backstage. And the good fashion vibes just keep on coming!

Yves Identify 2010 Pre-Holiday collection is available at ANTHILL Fabric Gal-lery. For reservations and inquiries, contact 09153319733 and/or 09238309029.  

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