Pushes for digitalization: MCCI aims to empower businesses for new era

CEBU, Philippines —  The Mandaue Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MCCI) has formally launched its annual business event, the Mandaue Business Month (MBM 2023), reinforcing commitment to empower trader members to the new era of doing business post-pandemic.

Carrying the theme “Empowering Business for the New Era”, MBM 2023 highlights adapting technology and riding on with the digital transformation, such as familiarizing the benefits of using Artificial Intelligence (AI) and other high-tech tools to sustain growth and stay relevant.

To commence in August, the MBM 2023 chaired by businessman Mark Anthony Ynoc has lined up relevant events that will run until October, which includes the introduction of the ‘ProgreCEBU’ special award during the Grand MCCI Night.

The ‘ProgreCEBU’ special award is a collaborative project of MCCI and The Freeman, which gives recognition to organizations and personalities who have made significant contribution to the progress of Cebu.

MCCI president Kelie Ko said this is the right time to stage an aggressive move in empowering businesses coming from a great reset after the COVID-19 pandemic.

One of the highlights of this year’s MBM is the resumption of the “Bakery World” event, a flagship MBM event slated on September 14-16, 2023 at the Waterfront Cebu City Hotel and Casino.

The Bakery World will not only gather the prime movers in the bakery and food industry in Cebu but will also put the spotlight on new businesses born during the pandemic.

"The year 2023 is a very exciting yet critical year as the world finally emerges from the global pandemic. This is a time for new beginnings, of renewal, change, and new opportunities as we forge ahead to a new era,” Ko said.

With a highly competitive market, challenged by the rising cost of raw materials—fuel, logistics, sugar, four, among others, Ko said the three-day Bakery World event will give old and new players how to thrive and stay ahead of the competition, with the introduction of alternative raw materials, particularly those that are locally produced.

This year’s MCCI Business Summit will also bring in experts in different fields like tourism, technology, and its effects on the economy in general.

According to Ko, after the pandemic and with numerous disruptions, it is harder to predict economic trends, “we probably don’t know what we don’t know.” What the chamber can do is empower members, and upskill them, as well as expose them to experts’ recommendations.

Ko mentioned that the Business Summit which will be held on August 23, 2023, at the Marco Polo Plaza Cebu will bring in renowned economists and industry experts to give a glimpse of the economic state and specific industry updates and trends.

On August 24, former Trip Advisor executive Sarah Mathews will tackle the Digital Makeover; Enhancing Online Reputation in The Travel Industry in A Post-Pandemic World. This is expected to give tourism stakeholders and businesses ideas and strategies on how to capitalize on tourism catering to the new breed of travelers.

Other lined-up events include; MCCI Induction & Networking Night (August 23), Trees Brew Life (August 5), Sugbo Negosyo Expo (August 11-13), Lord of the Pins Bowling Tournaments (August 17 and 19), MCCI Business Seminar (August 22), MCCI Talent Fest Audition (August 26), MCCI Talent Fest Finals (September 2 & 29), Property Investment Expo (October 5-8) and Chamber Nigh (October 18).

MBM 2023 forms part of the 54th Charter Day Celebration of Mandaue City this coming August 2023.

Organized in partnership with the Cebu provincial government and Mandaue City, the MBM aims to promote sustainable and socially responsible entrepreneurship and position Mandaue City and Cebu Province as preferred hubs for business and investment.

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