Soya-based chips lead the way to healthy snacking

MANILA, Philippines - While some snack food manufacturers, especially the multi-national ones, spend heavily on advertising and marketing just to make their products appealing to the Filipino palate, AM Global Works Marketing Corp. did a much simpler yet effective strategy.

They went directly to the consumer by engaging them to try their product, Soyami Soya Chips, the country’s first real soya-based snack produced without trans-fat and monosodium glutamate, via actual product-tasting activities and make them experience first-hand what Soyami Soya Chips is all about.

And that strategy proved to be an effective one. Word-of-mouth quickly spread information about Soyami Soya Chips as the new healthy snacking alternative available in the market. Plus the fact that it was endorsed by the nutritionist of “The Biggest Loser: Pinoy Edition,” the local version of the hit reality TV series, as part of the participants’ meal plan made Soyami Soya Chips gain even greater ground in terms of awareness among snack chip-loving Filipino consumers.

Most snack chips are considered junk food and are lumped together with candy and soda because they lack nutrients and thus are not really good for the body. Soyami Soya Chips changed that by providing a healthy snack option, especially for those who constantly crave for snack chips minus the guilt. Made of non-genetically modified organism (GMO) soya imported from Canada, Soyami Soya Chips first appeared in a mall-based children’s play-and-party center called ActiveFun in SM City North Edsa. At that time it was a challenge for the play venue’s management to find better alternatives to the conventional crunch-and-munch offerings that contain high levels of saturated fats, salt, and sugar but minus the required dietary fiber intake.

I originally test-marketed Soyami Soya Chips on the finicky palates of children and their discerning moms at ActiveFun, and received overwhelming response from them. Because of this, our company gained confidence to make Soyami Soya Chips available to a wider market by offering it in leading supermarkets in Metro Manila, Cebu and Davao,” explains Apple Morales, President and owner of AM Global Works Marketing Corp., makers of Soyami Soya Chips.

So why choose soya as the main ingredient? Soybeans are low in calorie count, an excellent source of protein, and contain high levels of omega-3 essential fatty acids, vitamins and minerals and fiber. It can help bodies absorb less fat and cholesterol in food. Using soya in diets reduces risk of heart diseases, osteoporosis and several types of cancer such as breast, endometrial and prostate.

In addition, with the isoflavone compounds it possesses called Genistein, it aids the body to stay lean and produce fewer and smaller fat cells.

According to Morales, Soyami Soya Chips, which come in Original, White Cheddar and Pizza flavors, may also be enjoyed not only as a snack but as part of various food recipes since soy has a neutral flavor that it can blend well with other ingredients. It can also be a replacement for crunchy croutons used in salads and soups or as breadcrumbs when crushed.

 “Our product has convinced parents and children alike to eat healthy so we’re certain it will gain the approval of dietitians, vegetarians and health-conscious people. We believe we won not only on nutrition since our products are made of healthy soya, but we also won on taste,” explains Morales.

Morales adds that Soyami Soya Chips is now widely available in privately-owned health clubs nationwide such as Fitness First, and future partnerships with other fitness centers are now in the works to help grow the brand even further.

Admittedly, Soyami Soya Chips is still a small player in the market, having been introduced early this year, but Morales believes they will eventually achieve their goals by adhering to the company’s vision.

“AM Global Works remains committed to be a leading innovator and provider of premium-quality healthy food and health-related products for all market segments, and at the same time conduct our business with utmost integrity, a deep social conscience and profound concern for the environment,” Morales explains.

And with the company’s plan to introduce other soya-based and totally healthy products that will capture the attention of health-conscious and discriminating Filipino consumers, Morales believes that AM Global Works Marketing Corp. and its Soyami Soya Chips will surely blaze the trail toward healthy snacking—in the 21st Century and perhaps even beyond.

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