Mainstream media and social media

The presence of gatekeepers in mainstream media is its biggest advantage. At a time when everyone becomes a “journalist,” the need for people who are responsible for ensuring that the public receives correct information cannot be overemphasized.
Fortunately, despite its excesses and limitations, the mainstream media continues to play that role.
The concern as to the danger that social media presents, particularly to the well-being of children, is not just valid, it is also alarming. Children are particularly exposed to scenes of violence, sex videos, and propaganda which their minds are not able to handle responsibly. In their formative years, children easily absorb or learn so many things that they will find terribly hard to unlearn in adulthood. Imagine the horror of the things they know are overwhelmingly negative. Imagine the trauma that may haunt them in their entire lives simply because we fail one way or the other, to educate them on the correct way of using social media. We have every reason to be alarmed.
But the virus has not just crept into the minds of our children, it has also terrifyingly affected adults, even among the so-called professionals and educated. Look at the significant triumph of fake news. Many people take hook, line, and sinker whatever is fed to them. Many do not care to verify whether the information they read view or hear is correct.
Fake news is dangerous. Whatever information people receive shapes their opinions. As the midterm election approaches, we can expect a deluge of propaganda via fake news. There will be a lot of fake news that will destroy the lives or reputations of candidates. While we are for truth to prevail whoever it may crash, we are not for lies to win. If our decisions are based on lies and propaganda that look like balanced news, we are in trouble. Our democracy will be in danger.
I know you will tell me that lies and propaganda have always been there long before social media came. I know you will tell me fake news is not exclusive to social media. You are right. Lies and propaganda have always been there since time immemorial. But at least, since the presence of mainstream media, the gatekeepers, such as the editors and publishers, have done their utmost so that the information that the people receive are not just what interest the public, but which is of public interest.
But let me hasten to say that this statement is not an indictment of social media in its entirety. No, sir. Social media has its social good. It has brought a lot of people together in ways that are better than before. It has bridged so many organizations. It has helped great advocacies spread across the globe.
The tough challenge before us all today is to make the two – social media and mainstream media – serve the best interest of the public in the area of spreading information. How can the two merge their best features or complement each other?
Happy Press Freedom Week to us all!
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