

EDITORIAL - Terrorists win

The Freeman
EDITORIAL - Terrorists win

It has been three years since the five-month battle to take back Marawi City from terrorists ended. However, even up to now many parts of the city still remain in ruins.

According to the latest reports, a lot of rebuilding still has to be done not just for private homes but government and even religious buildings as well. Then there is the public infrastructure like roads. There is also still no access to water or power in some areas of the city.

Because of the destruction caused by the fighting between the government troops and the Maute forces --local terrorists who decided to take up the Islamic State’s cause of hate and intolerance-- there is much confusion about where one property ends and another begins.

Another issue is the land titles. There are cases of multiple land titles to a single property. Also, many lots are now being claimed by people who cannot present proof.

They cannot be blamed for the lack of evidence. The fighting didn’t just destroy buildings where public records like land titles and such were kept. Many homes were also destroyed. When one has to flee home from danger in a jiffy, land titles and other documents usually don’t get priority for packing.

Yes, it’s true there are many issues that have to be addressed, but rebuilding this city should also be made a priority.

Ignoring the quick rebuilding Marawi will not just contribute to the quick healing of emotional wounds caused by the conflict. It will also send the message that we value our Muslim brothers and sisters.

There is another reason why rebuilding should be a priority.

The more we prolong the agony of people the more resentment they will have. Over time such resentment can turn into hate for the government. People who have made up their minds that they can no longer stomach this government are more susceptible to radical beliefs.

And we all know what usually follows after radicalization.

We aren’t saying that all who are exposed to hardship after the Marawi siege will be predisposed to hatred then radicalization, but there will always be those who will readily blame others for their misery, whether rightly or wrongly, then take any action they see as justifiable.

If we don’t rebuild Marawi City soon we are actually letting the terrorists win even though we fired the last bullet.

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