


ESSENCE - Ligaya Rabago-Visaya - The Freeman

A person’s breeding can’t be cloaked by a college diploma. And no matter what one has accomplished, at the end of the day, the positive impact on others is a legacy that matters most.

Venting out gripes on social media is a walk in the park as making amends. And so dealing with consequences and the repercussions brought about by such irresponsible, insensitive action is an expected eventuality.

A valid development of the internet age, the far reaching utilization of social media has given the domineering jerk another weapon to use against a victim. Dissimilar to the up close and personal provoking, dangers, terrorizing and damage related with tormenting, cyberbullying can be progressively horrendous for an unfortunate casualty since it very well may be seen by more individuals. When posted on the web, the dangers and insults often can't be removed, making the outcomes of cyberbullying significantly more crushing for the person in question.

The moral worth of an action is determined by the consequences of it. Consequences are those which are most beneficial to humanity, promoting human happiness, pleasure, survival or simply the general welfare of all humans. Whatever the consequences are, it is believed that those consequences are intrinsically good and valuable, and that is why actions which lead to those consequences are moral while actions which lead away from them are immoral.

The morality of a person’s action is dependent upon all of its consequences, and so one has to take responsibility for them. But those consequences will reach far and wide in ways one cannot possibly anticipate or comprehend.

A person does what he must. In spite of personal consequences, in spite of obstacles and dangers and pressures. This is the basis of all human morality.

While we are free to choose our actions, we are not free to choose the consequences of our actions. And although the possibilities of the impact can be foreseen, the level or gravity cannot.

Everyone will experience the consequences of his own acts. If his act is right, he'll get good consequences; if it is otherwise, he'll suffer for it.  Every happening is a learning experience. But there are just experiences that are earned the hard way. The harm that is done in this world is due to people who want to feel important. They don't mean to do harm. But the harm does not interest them.

Through the law of conditions and coherent outcomes we pick our destiny. Likewise, we are our own special prophets for we constantly adventure our future state by the seeds we plant in the present.

In each action we should look beyond the action at our past, present, and future state, and at others whom it affects, and see the relations of every one of those things. And after that we will be mindful.

All of us like to feel that we have some control over our world and the things that happen in it. We even like to think we can control the people who give us problems or do not conform to the standards that most of us live by. We need to give up that false sense of control that we’ve never had and never will have.

Sometimes the chips need to fall where they may, time to suffer the consequences of bad behavior.

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