
Freeman Cebu Lifestyle

Billionaire Feng Shui Stories!

NO NONSENSE FENG SHUI - Feng Shui Master Aldric Dalumpines - The Freeman

Who wants to be a billionaire? There are low key billionaires in the Philippines who are not in the Forbes list. Their net asset values attest to their financial standing. And their feng shui experiences are spellbinding stories! Here are some of such stories:

1. Stockmarket Samurai, without naming him, is a legend in the local stock market. More often than not, this stock market whiz kid even borders on stock manipulation or insider trading! Over a decade ago, I was brought to him by one of his employees, his bank treasurer. Why? Being a self-made billionaire, he told me he did not believe in feng shui.

But when threatened by the most powerful man in the Philippines to return around P5 billion in stock play losses back then, which he gained, he could not sleep in peace. He was worried that one day he would wake up in jail, his young kids missing him and with uncertain future. So he asked if feng shui could be of any help. I thought he must have known too well, being a Chinese himself, how feng shui works.

To assuage him, I related the national airlines' recent turnaround and rehab at the time, quoting the foreign consultants' quip: "In Hongkong, when our financial situation is like this airline, we call in the feng shui man!" And indeed the airline returned to flying in much friendlier skies.

As we were repositioning his desk to comply with feng shui, he asked, "Will this protect me from being jailed?" I told him, "Do not worry, your tormentor will be jailed first rather than you." As part of the comprehensive feng shui curing of his state, we went to do his home feng shui.

"Oh my," I told him,"your small portable fish pond is off-located, super bad feng shui!" I explained to him that it was a classic white tiger open-mouth feng shui situation that could make anybody bankrupt! He smiled sheepishly, repeating that it was too much for him to believe, stating again with pride the point that he was a self-made billionaire; as if nothing could ever make him bankrupt.

"Okay," I replied, "but as a professional geomancer, I am telling you the full truth with no stone unturned for your perusal. It is entirely up to you, but remember my note on this just in case!"  A few weeks later, on a Good Friday, he called me up in the wee hours of the morning. His voice sounded alarmed: "Remember what you told me about that pond in my garden? It's Good Friday, my gardener is not around… can you help me get some people and come over here to transfer it? No worry about budget, money is no object."

I asked what happened. "Our bank was hit by a bank run since Tuesday this week until now. I think it has to do with what you told me about that pond!" he said. So emergency feng shui was done on a Good Friday and by Black Saturday, the bank run was stemmed. A few weeks again later, he called. "Hey, did you see the news just now? The president who threatened me is being arrested straight to jail! You were right!" So from a self-made billionaire to a feng shui-protected one is no nonsense after all!

2. Movie Matriarch, after doing feng shui on all her properties, asked me: "Aldric, yayaman na ba ako?" (Aldric, will I get rich now?) I responded quickly: "Mother, bilyonarya ka na!" (Mother, you are already a billionairess!)

These male and female Philippine billionaires only exemplify that, for rich or poor, the spectrum of feng shui concerns boil down to the same bottom line: How to remedy bad luck, and protect wealth in the changing fortunes of time. So now, who wants to be a billionaire? The latest shortcut I found is to run for President - talk about funders!


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