

Christian Bale to play Batman again if Christopher Nolan directs

Kristofer Purnell - Philstar.com
Christian Bale to play Batman again if Christopher Nolan directs
Christian Bale as Bruce Wayne in "The Dark Knight"
Warner Bros. Ent.

MANILA, Philippines — Christian Bale is one of the few talented actors that have donned the famous dark cowl to portray one of DC Comics' most iconic heroes, Batman, with many calling him the best to have ever done so.

Some fans have even said Bale should again reprise the hero most recently played by Robert Pattinson in "The Batman," and the Oscar-winning actor is open to the idea but has one condition.

While promoting his new film "Thor: Love and Thunder," Bale told Screenrant that he would only play Batman again if it meant reuniting with filmmaker Christopher Nolan, who directed him in the "The Dark Knight" trilogy.

"I had a pact with Chris Nolan. We said, 'Hey, look. Let's make three films, if we're lucky enough to get to do that. And then let's walk away. Let's not linger too long,'" Bale said. "In my mind, it would be something if Chris Nolan ever said to himself, 'You know what, I've got another story to tell.'"

Related: What makes Robert Pattinson's Batman different from Ben Affleck's

Under such a situation where Nolan invited Bale to tell the hypothetical story would he agree to the project, but he reiterated that no one has ever approached him about reprising Batman.

After wrapping up "The Dark Knight Rises" in 2012, Nolan's involvement with DC Comics was writing and producing "Man of Steel" the following year and as an executive producer on "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice" and "Justice League" (both versions).

Setting the Nolan condition aside, Bale returning as Batman is an open possibility as Michael Keaton and Ben Affleck are expected to reprise their own versions of Batman in the upcoming "The Flash" movie.

Nolan, for his part, is focusing on his next feature film "Oppenheimer" about the creator of the atomic bomb which has an all-star ensemble cast including Cillian Murphy, Emily Blunt, Matt Damon, Robert Downey Jr., Florence Pugh, and Rami Malek.

Bale stars opposite Chris Hemsworth and Natalie Portman's Thors as the villain Gorr the God Butcher in "Thor: Love and Thunder" for DC's rival Marvel.

RELATED: Marvel goes full metal: 'Thor: Love and Thunder' review

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