

A business approach to end plastic pollution

BIZLINKS - Rey Gamboa - The Philippine Star

A study commissioned by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) estimates that humans ingest in a week the equivalent of five grams of plastic or about the weight of a credit card. This is so because all the improperly disposed plastic wastes through decades continue to leach microplastics that are finding their way into our food ecosystem.

Faced with this scientific finding and the growing awareness of people of the harm that plastics can pose to their health and the environment, businesses are increasingly feeling the pressure to come up with a sustainable approach to plastic use and to start to take a more active hand in the world’s battle against plastic pollution.

For now, some companies are voluntarily initiating programs to eliminate plastics use even if their competitors do not, and this usually happens when the concerned business entity has a strong brand presence that will not sway its consumer base to turn to another.

McDonald’s, for example, has done away with styropor packaging and plastic utensils even if other fast food chains offering burgers or chicken do not. The company believes that its patrons are not going to shift their loyalties even if they do have to pay more on food offerings.

Starbucks is another food vending company that has slowly shifted its corporate policies in line with its commitment to reduce plastic use, especially the non-biodegradable type. It first started with eliminating all plastic straws, a big problem for customers who buy iced coffee or tea and frappes. Somehow, it has managed to make the transition.

Creating level playing fields

Those who have not made the move are waiting for a consensus among all industry members to recognize the hazards of plastic use and to commit to a plan. For example, everyone now realizes that product sachets are one of the biggest single-use plastic pollutants now, but everyone should agree to stop its phase out, thus creating a level playing field.

Another way to make this happen, they say, is to have government enact laws that will compel businesses to cut down on plastic use. Current prohibitions on the use of plastic straws and sando bags are examples, but they must be strictly enforced at all levels and at all times.

A more radical solution would be to prohibit the manufacture and sales of plastic carry bags, PET bottles, and straws. If these were not made available to the market, then there would be less plastic wastes generated. Studies show that such single-use plastics account for more than 50 percent of plastic pollutants found in oceans.

The suggested solutions seem simple enough, except that it requires an ironclad commitment by governments to wage a full war on plastics. Unfortunately, very few governments have been able to come up with comprehensive laws and regulations to address plastics and its pollution.

Business’ initiative

In the face of this seeming stalemate, more than 70 businesses and financial institutions signed a petition last January calling on the United Nations to come up with a legally binding treaty addressing plastic pollution. Some of the companies involved are Nestle and the Coca-Cola Company, as well as BNP Paribas Asset Management.

The petition was an offshoot of a paper published by The Ellen MacArthur Foundation, together with the WWF and Boston Consulting Group in 2020, that expounded on the growing crisis of plastic pollution for both the environment and businesses, and the need for the United Nations to draft a treaty, much like the Paris Agreement of 2015.

Release of the petition was timed a month or so before the fifth United Nations Environmental Assembly (UNEA-5) meeting in Nairobi, Kenya where close to 200 representatives from member states were to meet to discuss and act on the world’s most pressing environment challenges.

Among the salient points discussed in the petition was the need for a treaty that will keep plastics in the economy, but out of the environment and prevent the production of plastics from fossil fuels. In addition, the treaty needs to shape a shared approach by government, business, and society to address the issue. Finally, the treaty should put in place a governance structure for countries to enforce compliance.

Legally binding treaty by 2024

Last week, on March 2, representatives of 175 countries agreed to come up with a legally binding treaty by end 2024 that will end plastic pollution. An Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC) will be formed, and is expected to lead discussions and constitute a forum before the end of the year.

What is historic in the UNEA-5 agreement is the recognition that a total plastic ban is not going to be sustainable in today’s modern society, and instead pushes for the concept of sustainable consumption and production, including circular economy approaches, in developing national action plans.

This would involve rethinking the way plastics are being manufactured in the future, and its use and disposal so that they do not become pollutants on land, in the air, and in our waters.

The task is gargantuan, to say the least. Plastic production is now estimated at about 400 million metric tons a year, and will likely double by 2040. Encouraging countries to ban single plastic use will in itself be challenging, but the UN points out that we should all set our hearts to accomplish this goal.

Not to do so would be endangering further human lives.

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