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Welcome a new ewe Year of the Sheep

JVM Francisco - The Philippine Star

MANILA, Philippines - After the Year of the Horse has galloped by, trampling some in its wake, comes the gentle, sensitive and sympathetic Sheep. The most feminine sign of the Chinese zodiac, the Sheep is known for its creativity and artistry. The Sheep (or Goat, or Ram) is the 8th symbol in the Chinese zodiac, an auspicious number that will bring good fortune in the coming year.  The Wood Sheep is amicable, gentle and compassionate, offering some respite from the wild horses of the past year.




Leader of the pack

While Rats may be regarded as filthy creatures in the western context, they are viewed quite differently in the East. In fact, in Chinese mythology the Rat is said to have nibbled into the universe, which was then dark and without form. The Rat’s bite let the air in, separating heaven and earth.

In another story, Buddha (or, in other versions, the Jade Emperor) staged a race to determine the order of the 12 animals in the Chinese zodiac. By far not the fastest of the bunch, the cunning Rat hitched a ride on the back of the Ox and, right before the Ox crossed the finish line, the Rat jumped in front of him.             

The Rat is a symbol of good luck and is revered for its quick wit and ability to acquire and stash items of value.

2015 proposes wealth, prosperity, and career opportunities for the Rat. You can finally recover from any problems encountered in the Year of the Horse. But wait to launch your big plans in 2016.

Do not expect immediate success. Your patience will be tested as you are ambitious and quick to anger. Work hard, be patient and diplomatic. Life is always full of problems, but how you overcome them is what makes you stand apart.

You pride yourself in being independent and self-sufficient, but don’t forget to show gratitude to your partner and loved ones. Take time to be understanding and commit to a relationship.

Likewise, do not neglect your own well-being. Try to have an outlet to let off steam and stress, like guided meditation and yoga.



Ox-traordinary challenges

The Ox is regarded as one of the most powerful signs in the zodiac. The Tibetan genesis myth is centered around the different body parts of the Ox becoming the sun, stars, rivers, lakes, forests and mountains of the earth.

Just as the Ox was the fastest animal in the race but was outwitted at the last minute by the Rat, the Ox is said to work hard all its life without putting itself first.

Being in direct conflict with the Sheep, 2015 will be a bumpy ride for the Ox, so tread carefully. Since the Sheep is your opposite, try to observe how it thrives this year.

The search for love, especially, will become more of an adventure. Communication is key.

Try to strike a balance between work and relaxation. Devote time to maintaining your health throughout the year.

Before making important investments, be sure to be well informed and consult with a financial adviser so as not to lose your hard-earned money.

You are tough, sturdy and hardworking, so your general well-being is solid despite the many issues and challenges that await you this year. It will not be an easy ride, but rest assured that the fruits of your labor will be realized.

In 2015, you will need to choose the right path. Keep in mind that your choices will have a great impact on your future. Consider your options wisely before moving forward.



A roaring year

The markings on the Tiger’s forehead closely resemble the Chinese character for “king” so it is no wonder that the Tiger is held in high regard in Chinese culture. It symbolizes bravery and power.

2015 promises to be a very good year for the Tiger. Look forward to success in career, personal happiness and relationships. There is no need to worry about facing any adversities or challenges, but do not slack off – the amount of success you will enjoy depends directly on the effort you put into your work.

Tigers are known for their fighting spirit, but they also have a sensitive soul and are deep thinkers. The calmness of the Sheep and the adventurous nature of the Tiger somehow complement one another, resulting in a fruitful year.

You have been working the past year, so allow yourself to spend some hard-earned time and money on yourself and your family this year. There is no harm either in donating generously to charities. This will improve your spiritual strength. While Tigers do not concern themselves much with their spiritual health, realize that this is necessary for enhancing your physical well-being.

Great opportunities to explore new countries await you. Have a clear picture of what you want to achieve this year and move forward with confident, positive energy. The universe is on your side.



Leaps and bounds

Rabbits are considered one of the luckiest of the zodiac animals, what with four of its own lucky rabbit’s feet. Rabbits are gentle, sensitive, compassionate, modest and amiable, much like the Sheep. As an ally and best friend, the Sheep will be your shield and help you overcome challenges this year.

You’ve jumped away from the bad experiences of the past year, straight into a very favorable year. 2015 promises to be highly profitable, but do not push your luck – be practical and do not take up risky ventures or act on impulse. While you will be lucky this year, be frugal and save up for the future.

It is an auspicious time to start a new business venture or begin a new job. If you are not happy in your current position, do not hesitate to say so. Earnings will be good during the beginning and end of the year, but be prudent and save or invest wisely.

Take time to do things that you always wanted to learn or you never had time for before due to preoccupation at work.

Rabbits like to hop around and explore new environments, not staying in one place. The gentle Sheep will have a calming effect on you, however. You will have a stable year when it comes to your career, so spend your free time relaxing with your family or reading a book and listening to music.



A fiery 2015

The Dragon is the only mystical creature in the Chinese zodiac. Symbolizing excellence and supremacy, no wonder the Dragon is often used to represent Chinese emperors and nobility.

2015 sees the continuing growth in the Dragon’s career, power and luck. With all these blessings, you must put more effort in doing good deeds. Dragons have the courage and strength to overcome any obstacle that they may encounter. No matter what you may face this year, you must meet these hurdles with courage and calmness.

Fiery Dragons believe more in passion than in romance and tend to insist on getting their way when it comes to relationships. Realize that this cannot be so all the time. Learn to communicate. Be sensitive as well to the feelings of family members. When things do not go smoothly at work, you will automatically seek the support of your family, so be sure to spend time with your loved ones.

The Sheep’s calm disposition tempers the Dragon’s high-flying personality. Take a hint from the Sheep and try spirituality and creative arts to help overcome any tension and negativity in your life.

Finally, control how you spend your money. If you are not careful, you will be struggling by the end of the year.

Expect a highly powerful, but a highly emotional year as well. Be a master of your emotions. Prepare for your lucky year in 2016.



A charming year

The cunning Snake is often looked upon negatively in the western world, but it is also considered a symbol of longevity in the East. It is also used to represent fortune, as Snakes are believed to own the underground kingdom filled with precious treasures.

Snakes should be ready to uncoil themselves for an action-packed 2015. With all the opportunities laid before you, be sure to focus on one thing at a time.

2015 is also a good year for taking an exam, getting insurance or making investments.

It will be a year of learning from your mistakes, with many ups and downs for the Snake, but your never-give-up attitude will help you to slither on.

You will be able to overcome many challenges with a little help from your friends, so be socially active and be sure to interact with your colleagues. Though it may be difficult, try to keep a good personal and professional relationship with all.

Control your temper and plan thoroughly instead of being impulsive. Keep your stress levels low with enough rest and relaxation. Perhaps turn to religion and spirituality to reduce stress.

The Snake shares some common interests with the Sheep including art, beauty and aesthetics, which will all be valued this year.



The mane attraction

Horses have proven themselves throughout history, serving men in their everyday lives as both beasts of burden and transportation, but also galloping bravely into battle. In Chinese culture, the Horse symbolizes Quian (yin, heaven, male) and represents a man of honor.

With a true fighting spirit, the Horse will fight against the odds in 2015 and come out triumphant. Good luck continues from last year, despite some bumps in the road.

The Sheep and the Horse are compatible, so the Horse’s year will be blessed with harmony and balance.

You may become impatient when waiting for things that you want. Perhaps you have been looking in the wrong direction or chasing the wrong interest. Be careful with your heart when it comes to relationships. Love will come from an unexpected source. Just be open to receive it.

The Horse will be the center of social circles and attract many new friends, but lose some, too. Those who disappear were not close friends anyway.

Step up your work-out routine if you want to remain healthy as a horse. Meditation will also benefit your body, not just your mind.

2015 will be a harmonious and stable year. Horses often have big dreams but do not have the focus to reach their goals. This year, you will have the ability to follow through and turn your ideas and dreams into reality.



Be-ewe-tiful days ahead

This being their Benming Nian (year of birth), Sheep should be careful not to offend Tai Sui, the god in charge of fortune, who will cause their luck to fluctuate in all aspects throughout the year. So, do not just sit around counting sheep. With persistence, you will prosper in your endeavors this year.

Sheep – and goats or rams – are not always mild, timid and peaceful. They can kick and butt heads, too! Sheep must remain humble and avoid arguments. Be tolerant of family, friends and colleagues to avoid any conflict. Communicate with each other to solve problems.

At the same time, be careful who you trust, as there may be wolves in sheep’s clothing lurking by.

Nevertheless, 2015 will be a good year in terms of love, romance and relationships with family and friends. Be patient and continue to cloak loved ones with your warmth.

With hard work, this can turn out to be a happy and ambitious year. Make the most of the opportunities that come your way. There will be many, especially in creative avenues.

But be careful not to let success get to your head along the way. Value patience and persistence and you will see your career and business prosper. Your hard work and efforts will be rewarded many times over.

Be open to new possibilities, because like it or not, they are headed your way. Stay focused and continue to live your passion.



Monkeying around

While the Monkey is playful and mischievous, the Chinese character for “monkey” is pronounced the same way as the character for “high officials.” Thus, the Monkey is associated with honor and symbolizes promotion to high positions.

Monkeys are intelligent creatures who can easily influence others. Be sure to use your influence responsibly. Likewise, do not let your energetic nature get the best of you. Have a plan and work accordingly towards your goals.

2015 will see the Monkey swinging smoothly from one branch to another, especially in business. You have been working hard in the previous years, now is the time for reaping the rewards. However, avoid confrontation by using your monkey charm and be sure to manage your wealth well.

This is a year of happiness and joy. You will have excellent finances and loving relationships. Some friends will lean on you in times of crisis, so give them your best advice.

At work, a pay increase comes with your promotion. Nevertheless, don’t indulge in luxuries just yet. Be sure to settle your past debts first. Invest wisely instead in things that are worthwhile instead of splurging on items that will lose their value in time. Your year, the year of the Fire Monkey in 2016, is just around the corner. Face the year with much energy and enthusiasm.



From darkness to light

Roosters are known for crowing at first light, signaling the liberation from darkness. They are also said to ward off ghosts, warning them of the coming light. While the Rooster is a common farm animal, they are also used in cockfighting and are therefore thought to symbolize bravery.

When faced with problems, Roosters do not give up. Instead they move ever forward, a trait which will come in handy this year.

Exercise caution in the Year of the Sheep. Plan well and keep a low profile. Being impulsive will not work in your favor this year. Pay attention to your health and be in tune with your body.

Relationships both with family and friends will be tested. Rest assured that your true friends will stay by your side and the challenges you go through together will only make you stronger.

Be diplomatic and avoid confrontation. Learn to communicate well. Realize that love and romance are not one-sided.

Numerous misfortunes are possible, so increase your prayers to enhance your luck. If you have a good plan, it will not be difficult to overcome these hurdles.

Do not be in a hurry to achieve your goals.The Rooster is accustomed to waiting bravely and patiently in the darkness. The sun will shine eventually and you will be there to welcome it.



Bring home the bacon

While Pigs nowadays get the bad rap for being dirty and lazy, the wild boar was once seen as fierce and formidable. Hunting it was a measure of strength for the ancient Chinese. In fact, the Chinese character for bravery depicts a man catching a pig with his bare hands.

In 2015, the wild Boar may rear its head in conflict with others. However, if you are able to keep your temper under control and socialize well, this will lead to strong business partnerships.

You can be impulsive, but you are always honest. This honesty serves you well in the coming year, especially in your love life. Your impulsive nature, however, does not.

Your honesty is always appreciated, but avoid conflicts this year as they will only lead to more problems. A family crisis will bring you closer to the ones you love.

Friends will include you in some big plans. These are potentially life-changing, so be sure to study and consider every detail before making your final decision.

The year will be filled with new experiences, acquaintances and places to visit. The Sheep will bring out your creative side. Take advantage of the many opportunities to gain knowledge and develop new skills.

This is the year you can make your dreams come true – with hard work and determination.



The dog days are over

Dogs are universally seen as loyal, warning their masters of potential danger. In 2015, the Dog’s friends will in turn prove their loyalty as you will attract helpful friends. Watch out for potential conflicts when it comes to health and career. Continue being honest, kind-hearted, generous and a loyal leader, but try to be more flexible and diplomatic.

It will be a lucky love year for the Dog. Your love life has seen its ups and downs in the past. Most of the time it is because of your hectic schedule and lack of time for your loved one. Some problems, however, are related to how picky you are when it comes to choosing your mate. Keep in mind that no one is perfect.

Be sure to maintain your health so you are physically fit enough to continue doing what you love to do. Success is always just a paw’s length away, so do not let poor health hinder you from reaching your goals. Though your independent spirit serves you well in most aspects of your life, know when you must ask for help, especially when it comes to your health.

When there are obstacles that you must face at work, show that you are not only strong but also intelligent. Set goals for yourself. Stand your ground and handle conflicts with grace and diplomacy.

The year ahead will be fruitful and prosperous. Just keep doing your best and do not give up – you are never too old to learn new tricks.

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