

Seven deciding factors

SEARCH FOR TRUTH - Ernesto M. Maceda - The Philippine Star

With two weeks to go, most political analysts agree, it is still anybody’s ball game in the presidential race.

Seven factors can decide the winner:

First, who will get the Iglesia Ni Cristo (INC) vote and support? Second, will the vaunted Jojo Binay organization deliver votes as efficiently as it did in 2010?

Third, will the Roxas’ billions reach the barangay voters and will they sell their votes?

Fourth, will the rumored “American” nonsupport for Rody Duterte materialize?

Fifth, will the Grace Poe-Francis Escudero tandem arrest its downward spiral?

Sixth, will the Liberal Party (LP) members not defect to a “leading” presidential bet?

Seventh, will President Benigno Simeon Aquino Jr. keep his promise that he will not allow cheating in the May 2016 elections?

Camilo Sabio acquitted

Former Presidential Commission on Good Government (PCGG) Chairman Camilo Sabio was acquitted by the Sandiganbayan Special Fourth Division of graft and malversation charges due to insufficiency of evidence.

The cases of Sabio arose from his alleged misuse of P12 million worth of recovered ill-gotten wealth of the Marcoses.

Sabio said he is happy with the ruling and felt vindicated as he suffered a stroke due to the case filed against him.

The Sandiganbayan said the prosecution failed to present evidence as witness to prove the unremitted amount went to Sabio’s pocket.

It was even noted by the Court that the prosecution’s witnesses admitted the money was used for PCGG’s financial assistance and operating expenses.

Sabio’s acquittal is proof that Ombudsman Conchita Carpio indicts public officials even when she has no proof to support her charges.

Duterte is psychopathic

A psychological assessment by psychologist Dr. Natividad Dayan stated that Mayor Rodrigo Duterte has an Antisocial Narcissistic Personality Disorder (ANPD) as what psychologists refer to as psychopathy.

Because of his personality disorder, the report said Duterte tends to humiliate other people or violate their rights.

International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, Tenth Revision (ICD-10) of the World Health Organization (WHO) called what affects Duterte as a dissocial personality disorder which is characterized by at least three of the following: callous unconcern for the feelings of others; gross and persistent attitude of irresponsibility and disregard for social norms, rules and obligations; incapacity to maintain enduring relationships; very low tolerance to frustration and a low threshold for discharge of aggression, including violence; incapacity to experience guilt or to profit from experience, particularly punishment; marked readiness to blame others, or to offer plausible rationalizations for the behavior that has brought the person into conflict with society.

The WHO paper states that the diagnosis included “amoral, antisocial, asocial psychopathic and sociopathic personality.”

The House committee on women and gender equality, headed by Rep. Linabelle Villarica, denounced Duterte for trivializing rape and rape victims. “It has never been and should never be made into a laughing matter,” Villarica said.

Duterte to cut ties with US, Australia

Mayor Rodrigo Duterte has warned he is prepared to cut diplomatic relations with the United States and Australia, after their ambassadors criticized his joke about the jailhouse rape of an Australian missionary.

Duterte told US Ambassador Philip Goldberg and Australian Ambassador Amanda Gorely to “shut their mouths” and reminded them not to interfere with Philippine elections.

President Aquino criticized Duterte’s remarks, saying both countries have given the Philippines much assistance.

Meanwhile, Duterte told a crowd in Iloilo that he shot a fellow San Beda law student, who bullied him, because he was a Visayan. He was not allowed to join the graduation rites. He also told women’s rights groups, led by Gabriela, who filed a case against him with the Commission on Human Rights (CHR), “to go to hell.”

Erap campaigning for Poe and Marcos

Mayor Joseph “Erap” Estrada, a loyal ally and supporter, has been actively campaigning for his goddaughter, presidential aspirant Grace Poe, and vice presidential bet Senator Bongbong Marcos, as well as ten senatorial candidates he has endorsed for the upcoming May 9 elections.

 Estrada would seek the resident’s support for his preferred candidates at his daily caucus meetings in various barangays, saying they are leaders the country need to uplift the lives of every Filipino and bring progress to the nation.


In the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), the Philippines is the only country without a death penalty for drug offenders.

Commission on Elections (Comelec) Commisioner Rowena Guanzon called Duterte’s rape remark “disgusting.”

Classes in public schools open on June 13, according to the Department of Education (DepEd).

Coalition of Filipino Consumers (CFC) alleged that Duterte and son, Paulo, were into rice, car, and electronic smuggling. Perfecto Tagalog of the CFC based his accusations on a 2007 National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) and the Presidential Anti-Smuggling Group (PASG) reports, copies of which were given to the media.

The bar exam results will be released on May 3.

People’s Magazine has named Jennifer Aniston, 47, as the World’s Most Beautiful Woman for 2016.

The third and last debate of presidential candidates will be held tomorrow at the University of Pangasinan, in Dagupan.


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